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May 30, 2019

Are You Ready for Take Your Pet to Work Week?

Your employees' pets want to be part of National Take Your Pet to Work Week!

“But Mom, All the Other Pet Parents Said Yes!”

Yep, National Take Your Pet to Work Week is all about social influence.

After all, everyone else is doing it.

How do ice-cream stores sell more ice-cream? They seat their existing customers near the big windows.

How do dealerships sell a car? They show pictures of cool celebs driving it.

Would that work for pets?

Twenty-one years ago, Pet Sitters International (PSI) decided to try it. In 1999 they promoted the first ever Take Your Dog to Work Day (TYDWDay). Their goal was for non-pet owners “to witness the special bond their co-workers have with their pets firsthand and be encouraged to adopt a new best friend of their own.”

That year about 300 business participated, and the event took off from there. TYDWDay is now celebrated every year on the Friday after Father’s Day. Recently, it’s expanded to Take Your Pet to Work Week.

This year, the week begins with Take Your Cat to Work Day on #MeowMonday, June 17. It ends with Take Your Dog to Work Day on Friday, June 21. (Mix those up at your peril.) In between, all pets from Cleo the Goldfish to Polly the Parrot are welcome to join.

Why National Take Your Pet to Work Week is Good for Your Business

Clearly, TYPTWWeek is good for pets, but is it good for your business? Even more, is it good enough to justify the time it’s going to take from your employees’ work?

The answer is a resounding, “yes!”

The Human-Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) is an NPO that researches the positive health impacts of pets. They found that a pet-supported workplace “improves productivity, collaboration, and alleviates stress.” Specifically, employees in those workplaces were:

  • 26% more engaged in their work
  • 14% more likely to stay at their job for the next 12 months
  • 37% more likely to recommend their employer to a friend

Amazingly, those benefits even applied to the employees who didn’t own pets!

All those stats make a strong case for TYPTWWeek. You’ll set yourself apart as a pet-friendly “woofice,” and the event itself encourages bonding and connections.

Tips for Success

Of course, none of those fantastic benefits from above will happen without some preparation on your part. Make sure you’re setting up your employees and their pets for success.

  1. Plan, plan, plan – Are pets expected to be on a leash? Can they come the whole day or only part? Are there areas in the office that are off-limits? Are all the pets that are coming compatible with each other? You definitely don’t want Bob’s bulldog tangling with Chelsie’s Cheshire. Being clear beforehand will go a long way towards preventing awkward situations.
  2. Get buy-in from your employees - Some people have allergies or are scared of pets. You’re not going to change that with an office memo. Everyone in the office should be comfortable with the arrangements.
  3. Have an exit strategy – Pets are unpredictable, and even the best plans can go awry. Your employees and their furry guests should know in advance when it’s time to cut their losses and call it a day.

Other Ways to Celebrate TYPTWWeek

Still not convinced you can make it work? That’s ok. There are other ways to celebrate the event without bringing live pets into your space.

You can show your support for your office’s pet families by:

  • Posting pictures of your employees’ pets – Your employees will be thrilled to show off their companions. For more fun, make it a guessing game. You can test the “People Look Like Their Pets” theory.
  • Hosting a fundraiser for your local shelter – Whether a raffle, silent auction, or contest, the pet parents in your office will feel supported by your efforts.
  • Offering voluntary pet benefits – This is a big one. HABRI found that employees in companies that provide pet benefits are 17% more likely to see their work as rewarding and exciting.

NTYPTWWeek and Voluntary Pet Benefits

TYPTWWeek is the perfect time to educate your employees about their voluntary pet benefits. Chances are, more than half of your employees own pets. But those pets come with a hefty price tag.

That’s why voluntary pet benefits are one of the hottest trends today. Already one in three Fortune 500 companies offers it as part of its benefits package. And Willis Towers Watson predicts a 67% increase in companies providing pet benefits by 2021.

Even though voluntary benefits are usually offered in December, offering your pet benefits off-cycle can grab your employees’ attention. At year’s end, they may be too busy working out their core benefits plans to pay attention to extras.

Your employees’ pets are as diverse as they are, so you’ll want a company that offers a range of pet benefit products. Check out Pet Benefits Solutions’ full suite of pet benefits.

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