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Jun 21, 2018

Pets are Good for Your Employees!

Having a pet is great for your employees’ health and well-being. Show employees you care about the role pets play in their lives!

Recently, you may have noticed that many of your employees are proud pet owners. They hang pictures in their offices, share pet tips with their coworkers, and some companies even allow pets to come to work every day! It seems that more and more companies are focusing on pets. So, what gives?

According to data from the American Pet Products Association, more than 65% of people own pets and 8% of pet owners are allowed to bring their pets to work thanks to the positive effects pets have on their owners.

Why are your employees’ pets so important?

Having a pet is great for your employees’ health and well-being. Here’s why:

  • Reduces Stress – Studies show that petting or playing with a pet can increase oxytocin, a stress-reducing hormone, and can decrease production of the hormone cortisol, which triggers feelings of stress.
  • Health Benefits - Pets can help decrease blood pressure and often urge pet owners to be more active.
  • Socialization – People often connect over their pets. Having a pet can be the icebreaker someone needs to increase their social comfort levels.
  • Getting Active – Most pets need at least a daily walk. Pets are great at getting their parents moving, walking, biking, or just playing in the yard.
  • Companionship – The saying “man’s best friend” is very much a reality. Pets provide constant companionship for their owners. Being greeted by a wagging tail every day is a sure way to beat the blues.

What can employers do?

Show employees you care about the role pets play in their lives! Here are a few options:

Celebrate Take Your Dog to Work Day

Celebrated nationally on June 22nd this year, some employers are getting ready to accept their employee’s four-legged friends into the office for a day.

A few tips and tricks to keep in mind:

  • Make sure employees understand that dogs should be “work-ready,” including behavior and health. For example, all dogs should be up-to-date on vaccinations and be well-suited to spend the day in the office.
  • Require all dogs to be leashed unless in a closed space.
  • Ask your employees to bring gates, beds, or other items to keep the dogs contained but comfortable.
  • Designate eating, meeting, and bathroom areas as “dog-free.”
  • If your employees are mobile, you can set up certain areas to be “dog-friendly.”
  • Employees should bring everything their pets might need from home, but it might be a good idea to stock up on extra plastic bags and cleaning supplies.
  • Make sure the office is “pet-proof.” Don’t leave candy or snacks in low places, make sure no construction or renovating is going on, and empty trash cans the night before.
  • Work with non-dog lovers to ensure that they feel as comfortable as possible.
  • Inform employees that if their dog is not adjusting to office life as well as hoped, they may have to take personal time to bring the dog home.
  • Ask employees to “register” their pets with you prior to arrival. That way you will have a better idea what to expect and will have an opportunity to share all office rules with them for the day.

Offer Pet-Focused Benefits

Pet benefits help employees give their pets the care they deserve at affordable rates. Our plans are 100% employee paid, have high retention rates, and will show employees that you care about their pets just as much as they do! With our multiple plan options, employees can choose the plans that work best for them.

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