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Mar 26, 2019

Celebrate National Employee Benefits Day on April 2nd

Employee benefits increase employee happiness and confidence. How are you building resilience for National Employee Benefits Day?

True, it’s not up there with Mother’s Day and July 4th - yet. But if you’re a company offering voluntary employee benefits, you should know about National Employee Benefits Day. According to the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP), the day “recognizes trustees, administrators, benefits practitioners and professional advisors for their dedication to providing quality benefits and the important role they play in their colleagues’ well-being.”

National Employee Benefits Day may come at the beginning of April, but concern about employee wellness is no joke! Employers have long offered medical benefits. Today, the growing trend is towards a holistic workplace approach. Companies may provide fitness club memberships, yoga classes, healthy in-house catering and more.

National Employee Benefits Day Focuses on Mental Wellbeing

But companies aren’t only paying attention to physical health. There’s a growing appreciation of the importance of mental and emotional well-being, too:

  • The American Institute of Stress discovered that 40% of employees said their job was very stressful.
  • Even worse, Virgin Pulse reports that job stress is the top source of stress for American adults.
  • Employee stress is estimated to cost American business over $300 billion a year in sick days, higher turnover and loss of focus.

That’s why the IFEBP is encouraging employers to use National Employee Benefits Day to learn how to promote resilience within their company. They define resilience as “the ability to adapt well to stress, both in your personal and professional life. It involves a series of behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be developed over time.” Resilient employees are less stressed and, therefore, happier and more productive.

Employee benefits fit right into this picture. explains that voluntary benefits increase employee happiness and confidence. So what are practical ways that your company can work on building resilience for National Employee Benefits Day?

Practical Tips for National Employee Benefits Day

  1. Show your employees that you care about their wellbeingAsana, a SaaS company, is listed as one of the best places to work in 2018 by Fortune, Glassdoor and Inc! They have daily on-site yoga, a culinary team that cooks three healthy meals a day and dedicated nap rooms for its employees to re-charge. Your company may not be ready for all that, but even a small change in culture to allow employees some downtime can go a long way.

  2. Educate your employees on the benefits you offer – Your employees may not even know the extent of their benefits! Let them know if you provide:

    • Wellness initiatives
    • Paid time off
    • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Make sure to inform your employees about your voluntary employee benefits programs, too. Medical, dental, life or catastrophic insurance plans can all positively impact your employees’ peace of mind. Plan a Benefits Fair or hang posters to educate your employees!

  1. Create a pet-friendly workplace – Pet ownership brings multiple physical and mental benefits to your employees. Pets can reduce stress, lower blood pressure and increase physical activity for their owners. Is there a better way to improve resiliency than with a loyal, loving companion?

    The Human Animal Bond Research Institute recently did a study on pet-friendly workplaces. They discovered that employees in pet-supported workplaces are happier and healthier. No surprise there! But even HABRI was surprised to find that even employees who were not pet parents were also more engaged and committed.

    Companies can show pet support by:

  2. Offer voluntary pet benefits to your employees – The American Pet Products Association (APPA) studies Americans’ pet habits. They found that Americans spent $15.95 billion on veterinary care in 2016. Now that sounds stressful!

    Voluntary pet benefits can take financial stress away from pet families. The options vary from traditional insurance to discount plans to prescription plans. Companies such as Pet Benefit Solutions offer multiple plan options to fit the needs of every employee pet parent.

    HABRI found that companies who offered pet benefits had higher ratings than other companies. They had the same increase in employee retention, engagement and attraction as companies who allowed pets to come to work. That’s something to celebrate on National Employee Benefits Day.

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