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Mar 25, 2018

Reducing Employee Absences

Pet Benefit Solutions offers a full suite of pet benefits, allowing employees to save on almost all of their pet care needs. Pet Assure and PetPlus are easy to offer and are 100% employee paid.

Unexpected absenteeism is often most costly to business organizations. If and when it becomes excessive, it can become a serious problem.

Expected Common Reasons for Absenteeism:

  • Illness
  • Special Occasions
  • Family illness
  • Sick Pets
  • Personal issues
  • Medical and dental appointments
  • Vacation and Holidays

These are all acceptable, unavoidable reasons for being absent from work. In most cases, with the exception of illness and some personal issues, most are planned and in accordance with company policy. Although it can be frustrating for an employer, there are ways to get ahead of unplanned absenteeism.

Measures That Prevent Employee Absenteeism

  1. Develop an Attendance Policy - This is something that every company should have. Providing this structure gives management a means for intervention with an employee who is abusing company absence. By removing the opportunity to use the lack of such a policy as an excuse, you are already reducing absenteeism.
  2. Focus on Company Morale - How your employees are feeling about their individual job, their co-workers, and their work environment can have a profound effect on attendance. Many times illness, stress and compromised relationships are all based on one or more complaints in these areas. Here are some keys to successfully managing these important factors:
    • Communicate with your employees at every level. Knowing how employees are feeling and what challenges they are facing is helpful in managing absences.
    • Address complaints, concerns and low morale with urgency and importance. What may seem trivial to you at the time, may seem overwhelming to the employee that has given you the feedback.
    • Offer well-rounded benefit packages. Many employee absences are related to self or family health concerns. With the right benefits, employees have more opportunity to seek the proper care in methods that do not interfere with work. For example, PetPlus offers a 24-7 Pet Help Line which helps pet parents avoid unnecessary trips to the ER for their pets, decreasing absences due to pet illness.
  3. Provide Opportunities For Growth and Advancement. It is not uncommon or unusual for employees to remain in a company they no longer like or have a desire to work for; but do so simply because they cannot afford to or have the time or means to look elsewhere because of burdening financial obligations.


Even the best management and solid company structure may not be enough to completely avoid or eliminate absenteeism; however, there are measures you can take to help improve morale and encourage less absence:

  1. Set a high standard of attendance
  2. Utilize a suggestion box providing employees a “voice” to give feedback and request changes that will keep them happy and motivated.
  3. Treat all employees with respect.
  4. Interact with your staff frequently on an individual and group level, with an “open door policy” on communicating new ideas, and progress, as well as problems and other work issues.
  5. Provide clear instructions on what is expected from each employee, and make the effort to consult with staff before making decisions that will affect how they work.

By conscientiously adapting the positive strategies above, your company will see a decrease in employee absenteeism; and may also enjoy a greater level of motivation and production from a satisfied, unified staff.

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