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Mar 1, 2021

Pet Benefits 2020 Year in Review

Remarkable renewal rates. Enrollment numbers that continue to soar. Continued excellence in service. And another great year for pet benefits.

As we take a look back and reflect on 2020 at Pet Benefit Solutions, we are immensely grateful and proud as our company continues to meet our customers’ needs and experience steady growth.

The Best of 2020

Here are some of the highlights we are most proud of from 2020:

We saw steady participation growth in all areas. Clearly more families with multiple pets are joining the PBS family— and loving their experience!

  • A remarkable 96% group renewal rate for the third consecutive year.
  • Active subscriptions in pet discount plans grew 47% over 2019.
  • Groups offering our new Total Pet Plan had an average enrollment rate of 8.3%. Compare that to average enrollments in pet health insurance of 1-2%!
  • Enrollments from existing client groups increased 12% since last year.

Showing no signs of slowing down, Pet Benefit Solutions also made an appearance on the Inc. 5000 List for the 2nd consecutive year! The updated list highlights our upward growth, putting us 500 spots higher on the list from the previous year and noting a growth increase of 42%, from 117% to 159%.

Fueling our continued growth was our newest plan, Total Pet Plan. Total Pet Plan was designed to provide employees with affordable everyday pet care benefits, while providing a quick and intuitive enrollment experience.

Strategically crafted to give employees relief on the four major pain points of pet ownership, members get access to the below for under $.40 a day:

  1. PetPlus, discounted pet products, prescriptions, and preventatives
  2. Pet Assure, a veterinary discount plan
  3. whiskerDocs, a 24/7 pet telehealth line
  4. ThePetTag, a lost pet recovery service

Since its release in the middle of 2020, 65 companies have started offering Total Pet Plan to over 16,000 eligible employees- and we are just getting started!

Looking Ahead to 2021

As we carry on into the new year, we have our heads held high knowing all the progress we’ve made in 2020. Our journey as a pet benefits provider is still unfolding and there are many exciting chapters ahead, so stay tuned as we turn another page.

We want to take some time to recognize our amazing staff in the office and out in the field. From our administrative staff to account managers, account executives, customer service representatives, accounting team, marketing team, and everyone in between—thank you. Thank you for showing up and giving your best every day. Our continued growth and success are a direct reflection of all your joint efforts.

As we embark on 2021, we know one thing for sure: Pet Benefit Solutions will remain committed to providing exceptional service and products and we won’t stop until every employee across country has access to them. That’s a promise.

Join us as we continue to improve and revolutionize the voluntary pet benefits market.

Our mission is to help employees give their pets the care they deserve at affordable rates. Our simple implementation process enables employers to easily add pet benefits to their voluntary benefit offerings.

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Easy-to-offer, easy-to-use
pet-focused voluntary benefits

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